Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Making a bouncy egg

Can we make an egg bouncy?

We left an egg soaking in vinegar overnight to see what would happen.

We observed that there were lots of bubbles all over the egg and that the egg seemed to be getting bigger. 
After 1 day we got the egg out but oops! Ms Soljan was a bit rough and it broke :( 

So like good scientists we tried again, this time we put it in a bigger container and waited and watched.

After 1 day we got it out and saw that it was:

* bouncy
* soft
* like a ball
* squishy
* white

We observed that:

* the shell 'graded' off
* the vinegar made it white like a boiled egg

Because we are scientists, we left the egg soaking over the long weekend and wow!

It was:

* turning clear, we could even see the yolk inside
* quite a bit bigger
* very bouncy
* heavy and slimy

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