Monday, April 4, 2016

Our Easter maths challenge

Recently, we linked our interest in Easter with our maths learning.

The children were given a challenge:

To begin with we worked on creating and recognizing a repeated pattern, this was done over several days and using different materials; then we looked at the number problem.

The children had to think about:

* how many big eggs they needed
*how many small eggs they needed
*how many altogether
*I also asked them how they worked it out

Everyone worked super hard to produce a basket of patterned eggs for the Easter bunny, concentrating and counting to make sure they had the right numbers.

The baskets are all up in our room on display and I am sure the Easter bunny would have been impressed!

Zoe and Bianca

Nevaeh and Emma

Hayley and Jayana

Amin and Shiloh

Zion and Lucas

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