Thursday, September 29, 2016

Happy Holidays

I hope that everyone is having a great break and have been making the most of the weather.

Here is a snapshot of us on mufti day with our crazy hair and stunning smiles :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

New Art on display

This week we have been inviting in whanau to view our classrooms for the Art Exhibition. 
Room 3 have been very busy creating some different pieces for you all to enjoy. 

Our Cowboy pictures:

Our newspaper cats:

Torn wallpaper landscapes:

And the pieces we created at Corbans Art Centre. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Junior School Production

Last week was a huge week for the Junior School and a highly successful one too.. Everyone participated in the Junior School production, performing in front of an audience for 3 different shows to rave reviews and huge applause.

We did a Country and Western dance to the song Boot Scootin Boogie. We had been practicing our dance lots and had it perfected by show day. I was extremely proud of every single one of my children standing up on the stage and doing the dance confidently and with style. They looked awesome!

There was a bit of time waiting before we had to go on the stage and then again before we went back for the finale and we spent that time doing things in Room 25. It was very exciting for all, sitting on big chairs and feeling like big kids.

A big thanks to the lovely mummies who came along to help us get changed and ready for each performance, without your help things would have been a lot more stressful!

To celebrate our success and as a special treat, we all had iceblocks on Friday :)

Saturday, September 3, 2016

A Boot Scootin Boogie sneak preview

We have been practicing hard and we are ready!!

Here we are at the dress rehearsal. Looking forward to our performance day on Wednesday.

Our Corbans Art Centre trip

We had a great day at Corbans Art Centre; it started with a highly exciting ride on a double decker bus and finished with us producing some fantastic card relief images.

While at the Arts Centre we used our "tools" (our hands ) to cut out geometric shapes from different cardboard and create a picture, we then used the printing press to produce our prints. We also had time to do some crayon rubbings, exploring the different textures of the cardboard. 

 Thanks to all our lovely parent helpers, you certainly helped to make the whole day a success.

I will be hanging up more photos in the classroom, so feel free to come and have a look at the photos and the awesome prints your children created.