Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Merry Christmas

We have had a busy few weeks and it is hard to believe the year has come to an end. In class we have been enjoying creating different Christmas art works and participating in various Christmas activities.

Among many things over the last month we:

* sold all our herbs at family fun night

*nurtured and cared for grass heads and our special rocket seedlings

*attended prize giving where some of us did a special dance

Wishing you all a safe and happy Christmas, please drop by and say hi to me next year. I will  miss my Room 3 kiddies over the break :)

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Recycling and reusing

We have been talking about how important it is to recycle and reuse things. Today we made special wind 'chimes' to hang in our gardens, we used old bottle tops, containers, buttons and beads. Threading these items onto nylon was helping us to develop our fine motor skills and our pincer grip.
hanging them in the garden will hopefully keep birds away from any growing seedlings.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Our Assembly

On Friday it was our class assembly and the children were all FANTASTIC!

I was so very proud of everyone :)

It was very exciting dressing up and dancing to Hey baby lets rock and roll, talking on the microphone, choosing the songs and being in charge of the whole assembly.

A big thanks to Mrs Purdie who helped us with our dance.

Monday, October 31, 2016


Today we talked about measurement and about measuring how tall we all were. We carefully stood next to each other and decided who was the tallest/shortest.

Then we lined up in height order.

Look who was the tallest, shortest and right in the middle.

Planting has begun

Last week we planted up our herb garden using recycled materials. As we watch our seeds grow we will be learning about the plant life cycle and how to take care of plants.

Once our herbs are all grown we will be selling them at the upcoming Family Fun night.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Happy Holidays

I hope that everyone is having a great break and have been making the most of the weather.

Here is a snapshot of us on mufti day with our crazy hair and stunning smiles :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

New Art on display

This week we have been inviting in whanau to view our classrooms for the Art Exhibition. 
Room 3 have been very busy creating some different pieces for you all to enjoy. 

Our Cowboy pictures:

Our newspaper cats:

Torn wallpaper landscapes:

And the pieces we created at Corbans Art Centre.